It's 4 AM in Manila and I am still up because I just simply cannot sleep. I've been browsing through Flickr since I sat in front of the computer at around 12 midnight to scan a drawing. I've been looking at photos of lotuses and water lilies as subject references and ended up researching about them in Wikipedia.com. After feeding my mind with semi-useless scientific information, I ended just looking through groups and sets of different random photographers and artists in Flickr. I can go hours on end doing this and never getting bored.
I have my own set of drawings and photos but I most often update my Drawings and Doodles set whenever I complete a new sketch or painting. Hopefully I can get a Pro Account soon. This counts as my online portfolio already, but I'm planning to build a website as well.
In the meantime, here are my favorite illustrators and photographers in Flickr. These artists and photographers just amaze me to the core and I check out their sets for updates regularly.
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