Finally, an uninterrupted weekend in New York City! This is the first weekend in which I didn't receive any text messages from my teammates about work, and boy it has been a pleasant change. I'm so excited to write about my artsy fartsy experiences here and one of the first things that I wanna share is this awesome graffiti place called 5Pointz in Queens. This is not part of my original NY 2013 Bucket List, but one afternoon, it just occurred to me that I needed to check out some local street art like the one that I accidentally stumbled upon in Australia.
My cousin Mayel who lives in Brooklyn brought me here 'cause I told her I wanted to check out NYC urban art. I mean, that's what New York is about, right? Initially I was hoping to catch a Banksy installation, but when I did my research and due to the ephemeral nature of street art, his works aren't available anymore.
I still wasn't disappointed, because the place was abso-fucken-lutely fantastic.
An entire building of graffiti art, it's visual overload!
The relentless snow being captured on cam!
That's my cousin Mayel right there, taking photos (or figuring out where to take me next).
I heart NY!
Someday, I'm going to learn how to use spray paint and work on a large scale doodle/illustration

The requisite selfie!
The requisite selfie!
Even the pavement has stenciled art on it!
It took me a while to figure this one out; I just admired the colors, but it's actually Beauty and The Beast!
It was snowing that day and we were originally hoping to see graffiti artists at work, but didn't catch any. It was too bad, coz I really wanted to capture the process on how they made these extraordinary works of art, but seeing the whole graffiti complex was worth the trip anyhow. This blog post and the photos here do not give the place justice!
Sorry I just had to do that.
And yes, she just had to do this!
5Pointz signifies the 5 boroughs of New York -- Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Staten Island and Queens coming together as one. Graffiti artists from all over the world have come together and used this warehouse as their canvas, and at the same time the venue has hosted several events for photographers, break dancers, musicians and artists to share their craft to onlookers and tourists. The building is located at 45-46 Davis Street, Long Island City, NY
Find out more about them here
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