Friday, March 08, 2013

Snippets of the Past Couple of Weeks

This assignment has been super intense, I haven't had much time to travel and see places except for that one weekend in Manhattan when I decided to just take a bus from Jersey Gardens and explore the Big Apple. My thighs still hurt from all the walking. I still have a lot of things to tick off in my Things Do To In New York list, but alas, I'm at risk of not accomplishing all of them. The good news is that my Project is pushing through with Go Live this weekend, and I should be free to roam around after then.

Priority of things to do:
1. Meet up with friends and relatives - I have more friends and family in the East Coast! Of course this is the top priority of things to do because I want to make sure we can do some catching up after not seeing each other for a long time!

  • Chavez Family - check! And we will be going to Atlantic City on March 16th. They have been super duper accommodating and they really made sure I settled in well in the U.S. Love them!
  • Ate Dawn and Family - they picked me up from the airport, and I was supposed to attend Saify's birthday party but I  but I will meet up with them again this Sunday!
  • Ate Mayel and Ate Nikki - have dinner and drinks on a weekday
  • Ninong Boyet - He lives in Queens so I wanna make sure I visit him
  • Carmi and Ruby

2. Visit MoMa or Met Museum - This is really one of my top priorities and something that I want to do for creative inspiration. Creativity doesn't stop just because I'm on assignment!
3. Take photos of Grand Central Station - I can do this on a weekday and take a train from Penn Station which is just a couple of blocks away form my office in NJ.
4. Watch a Broadway Show - I watched the Lion King on Broadway in 2009 and I want to watch another Broadway show this year!

Anyway, since I don't have much to show for yet, here's a few photos from my intense couple of weeks in the U.S. so far. Basically, we worked, we ate, and i ogled stuff at arts and crafts stores.

The girls having sangria on a Friday night

Huge ass bento boxxxxxxx!

JP and Regie hamming it up with their Steaks at some Spanish Resto

Rockefeller Center in Winter! Too bad, they took down the Christmas Tree!

Times Square and the yellow cabs. How cliche, but we all love it!

The NY Times building in front of Port Authority on 8th Ave

Mundane photo of my office's parking lot, but i just had to take a photo coz the sky is so blue!

Visited A.C. Moore and Michael's! This is a creative geek's disneyland!

I wish we had this huge selection of paintbrushes in Manila.

Celebrating the Go Live!

Buffalo wings night. We had quite a few to drink and ended up singing Whitney Houston songs in the car on our way back to the hotel.

Life has been interesting. Even if I only visited Manhattan once, I still feel blessed that I get to live in a hotel, be given daily allowance, eat good food, have a good laugh with new friends and basically just have fun even if things get so stressful at work. Life here isn't ideal because I don't have my family, Jim and my band here with me. It would've been so grand if they are here to share all these things with but I'm not one to complain because I've been given good opportunities. Life is still fabulous. :)


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