I've been back in Manila since April 1 and I haven't blogged a thing for the month of April! Oh my goodness, that just brought me in a state of panic. We are halfway through April and did I do anything crafty or artsy yet? Well my silence in cyberspace didn't mean I haven't done anything creative these past few weeks. No no no. In fact, I've been working on a bunch of stuff, but haven't had the time to post anything here. I suppose I needed that break from having a voice over inside my head just thinking of what to write. Getting back into the routine of daily life in Manila took its toll on my personal creative time unlike when I was in the U.S. when I had no errands to make or chores to finish (thank you hotel housekeeping!) and no family or friends to meet or a boyfriend to have dates with *hihi*.
Anyway, here's a few snippets of the past couple of weeks' creative sparks.
Things are less busy in the office, which means I get to have more time for my own life. My band just did a gig last Thursday at Tiendesitas with Top Junk and it felt sooooo awesome to be playing again. I missed jamming and performing with KAZE! After 8 years of playing onstage, I still get nervous; but I try to channel that energy into something positive and try my best to give a good performance.
All gig photos below were taken by the uber talented Jerico Placido. Check out his tumblr account! It's filled with all things awesome.

Anyway, here's a few snippets of the past couple of weeks' creative sparks.
Made a new rubber stamp! This is the most detailed one I've done so far. Tulips and lilies are my favorite flowers. There's something very understated yet classy about them. I used my Speedball linocutter for the leaves. I like how it turned out.
Creativity on-the-go! Doodling and practicing my italic calligraphy using my Speedball Panache Italic Pen set. This was inspired by an awesome artist (who I will share in a different blog post), so I started doodling and making foliage drawings of my own which led to:
A watercolor pattern, inspired my doodle prior to this photo. Oh how I love drawing flowers! This was also motivated by the fact cherry blossoms are in season this time of the year. Friends have been posting beautiful photos of cherry blossom trees and flowers on different social media. I was so inggit about those photos that I decided, if I can't see the cherry blossoms in person, I might as well paint them! I think I'll make this into a stationery or have it framed to give out to friends or something.
Poppy love :) Watercolor practice on Strathmore paper
All gig photos below were taken by the uber talented Jerico Placido. Check out his tumblr account! It's filled with all things awesome.

KAZE at Tiendesitas. We played 10 songs that night!
Sando kung sando! It was frickin' hot onstage! Actually, it's hot everywhere! Haha
The awesome threesome of Coy, Tuesday and Dennis more popularly known as Top Junk
It's nice to be back to the chaos and dirt of my Manila. It's no New York, but it feels good to know that I have the same old people waiting for me and that I can continue doing all the things I love back home. :)
That's it pancit! I hope you had a happy weekend!
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