Friday, May 31, 2013

Art Stalking: Lisa Congdon

I learned about Lisa Congdon via Maria Popova's wonderful site called It's one of my most frequently visited sites since I started dipping my toes into the corporate world in order to give my mind at least ounce of creative inspiration and stimulation while taking a break from I.T. work.

She has a very spontaneous and quirky characteristic about her work that reminds me of Maira Kalman. Her hand lettering is playful, informal and absolutely unique. She is also self taught and her illustrations range from portraits to patters and random objects and it blows my mind that she didn't start drawing or painting until she was in her early 30's!

Here are a few of my favorite paintings and artworks by Lisa Congdon courtesy of her blog.

Maya Angelou, Frida Kahlo and Anaïs Nin portraits which are part of her Reconstructionists Project with Maria Popova. Check out new posts at her blog every Monday!

While her portraits are realistic and traditional in nature, I adore her playful take on using digital media.

Awesome repeat patterns that were hand drawn, scanned then digitally colored. Aren't they awesome?!

She has a very positive voice in her blog aptly titled "Today is going to be awesome." The moment you visit her site, it's just full of inspiration and love for pretty things and the actual illustration/drawing process. I also admire her dedication and her ability to stick with yearlong projects that require her to post photos of collections and make hand lettered quotes every day or paint portraits every week.

I also found out that she is getting married this coming Saturday! Congratulations Lisa! :)

Note: All photos posted in this entry are by Lisa Congdon.


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