Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Daily Pill

Here's a new batch of drawings that I did over the last couple of weeks. A lot of them are simple sketches that I did during transit or in between breaks at my office. I recently got myself a small inexpensive drawing notebook for my daily doodles and sketches. I used to carry around a 9" X 12" sketchpad and for someone who has a 9 to 5 job, it can be such a hassle bringing such a big pad of paper at work when there isn't any guarantee that i can find time to draw anyway. At the same time, I felt like I was wasting a good deal of good paper on half done drawings and doodles. So what I did was get myself a really cheap notebook in which I can doodle, take notes, sketch and pretty much document random stuff on paper, then have a proper sit down and draw with proper tools on my big proper sketchpad. I think it works., coz I've been drawing everyday without having to worry about whether or not I'm wasting paper.

What I love about a drawing diary is that not only do I get to put images and ideas on paper, I get to document what I could be feeling or thinking at the time. With the drawing shown here, I was feeling a little nostalgic about a certain song, and missing someone who was as passionate about music as I am. In this drawing, I made use of watercolor pencils for the first time, and I had so much fun experimenting with the medium.

I'm also starting a new handmade card project with the concept of using different greetings around the world. The first one that I did was this French greeting "Bonjour" with girls peeping back at the receiver. I made this with a certain person in mind while I was drawing it, but I've got tons of ideas about this project and I'm really excited to make them happen! Stay tuned!


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